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How to cancel RosterElf subscription via Xero
This article explains how to cancel your RosterElf subscription if you initially signed up through the Xero App Store. Following these steps ensures a smooth cancellation process. If you subscribed directly through RosterElf, refer to the separate guide on cancelling your subscription. Remember, we delete your account data upon cancellation, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
1. Cancelling your RosterElf subscription via Xero
If you signed up for RosterElf through the Xero App Store, follow these steps to cancel your subscription:
1.1 Logging into Xero
1.1.1 Log into Xero using an admin account.
1.1.2 Go to Xero's connected apps page.
1.2 Cancelling your RosterElf subscription
1.2.1 Find RosterElf in your list of connected apps.
1.2.2 Click Disconnect
1.2.3 Once disconnected, click on Rosterelf under the disconnected apps section.
1.2.3 Press Cancel Subscription.
2. Troubleshooting common issues
If you encounter issues during the cancellation process, follow these steps:
2.1 RosterElf appears but you can't cancel
2.1.1 Contact Xero support if you see RosterElf in the list but can't complete the cancellation.
2.2 RosterElf doesn't appear in Xero
2.2.1 If you can’t see RosterElf in your Xero portal, read cancelling your subscription.
2.2.2 Contact our support team if you cannot cancel through the RosterElf platform.
FAQs for cancelling RosterElf subscription via Xero
1. How do I cancel my RosterElf subscription through Xero? To cancel your RosterElf subscription via Xero, log into Xero using an admin account. Go to the connected apps page, find RosterElf in your list of connected apps, select it, and choose the option to cancel your subscription.
2. What happens to my data after cancelling my RosterElf subscription? RosterElf deletes your account data upon cancellation, as outlined in our Privacy Policy. Ensure you back up any required data before completing the cancellation.
3. Why can't I see RosterElf in my Xero connected apps? If RosterElf does not appear in your Xero connected apps, it may be because you subscribed directly through RosterElf. Refer to our guide on cancelling your subscription for direct subscriptions.
4. Can I cancel my RosterElf subscription without admin access in Xero? No, you must log in with an admin account to cancel your RosterElf subscription through Xero. Contact your Xero account administrator if you need assistance.
5. What should I do if I encounter issues during the cancellation process? If you face issues cancelling through Xero, contact Xero support for assistance. If you cannot cancel through the RosterElf platform, reach out to our support team for help.