Set staff maximum weekly hours

Permission Level: Admins

Device: Web Browser

This article is designed for Admins to access via Web Browser.


Set staff max weekly hours

This article explains how to set a staff member’s maximum weekly hours in their payroll tab. Setting these limits ensures compliance with work-hour restrictions and helps flag any issues on the roster screen. By following these steps, you can manage your team's schedules more effectively.

1. Access the staff member’s payroll tab

This section outlines how to locate a staff member's payroll tab. You need to access this area to set their maximum weekly hours.

1.1 Navigate to the staff tab

1.1.1 Log in to Rosterelf.

1.1.2 Click on the Staff tab in the main menu.

1.2 Select the staff member

1.2.1 Locate the staff member in the list.

1.2.2 Click on their name to open their profile.

2. Set max weekly hours in payroll

This section explains how to update a staff member’s maximum weekly hours. These hours will trigger a flag in the roster screen if exceeded.

2.1 Open the payroll tab

2.1.1 In the staff member’s profile, click on the Payroll tab.

2.2 Adjust maximum weekly hours

2.2.1 Locate the Max Weekly Hours field.

2.2.2 Enter the desired maximum hours.

2.2.3 Save your changes to update the record.

FAQs about setting staff max weekly hours

1: Why is it important to set a staff member’s maximum weekly hours?
Setting a staff member's maximum weekly hours helps ensure compliance with work-hour restrictions. It also alerts you to potential scheduling issues in the roster screen.

2: How do I access the payroll tab to set max weekly hours?
Log in to your dashboard, go to the Staff tab in the main menu, select the staff member from the list, and open their profile. Then click on the Payroll tab.

3: Where can I find the max weekly hours field?
In the Payroll tab of a staff member's profile, locate the Max Weekly Hours field. You can update this field with the desired maximum hours.

4: What happens if a staff member’s weekly hours exceed the set maximum?
The system will flag the staff member on the roster screen if their scheduled hours exceed the set maximum. This ensures compliance and helps prevent over-scheduling.

5: Can I update the max weekly hours for multiple staff members at once?
No, the max weekly hours must be set individually in each staff member’s profile under their Payroll tab. This ensures accurate and customised scheduling.

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