Updating personal info on browser

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Device: Web Browser

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Updating your info in a browser

To keep your account secure and up to date, it’s important to regularly update your personal information. This article explains how to update your email, mobile number, and password in a browser. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your contact information remains current, enhancing your account’s security and improving communication.

1. Accessing your info

In this section, you will learn how to access your personal information. This step is essential for making any updates to your account. Keeping your information current helps maintain account security and ensures you receive important notifications.

1.1. Click on your name

1.1.1. Locate your name in the upper right corner of the screen.

1.1.2. Click on your name to open a dropdown menu.

1.1.3. Select My Profile from the options provided.

1.2. Updating your info

1.2.1. You will see fields to update your email and mobile number.

1.2.2. Enter your new email address and mobile number as needed.

1.2.3. If you wish to change your password, find the password section and enter your new password.

1.3. Saving Your Changes

1.3.1. After making your updates, locate the Save/Create New Password button at the bottom of the page.

1.3.2. Click Save/Create New Password to save your changes.

1.3.3. Ensure a confirmation message appears, indicating that your updates were successful.

Frequently asked questions about updating your info

1. How do I access my personal information?

To access your personal information, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen and select My Profile from the dropdown menu.

2. What information can I update in my account?

You can update your email address, mobile number, and password to keep your account secure and up to date.

3. How do I change my password?

To change your password, navigate to the password section after accessing My Profile, then enter your new password.

4. How do I save changes after updating my info?

After updating your information, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Look for a confirmation message to ensure your updates were successful.

5. Why is it important to update my personal information?

Regularly updating your personal information helps maintain account security and ensures you receive important notifications.

6. Can I update my profile from any device?
Yes, you can update your profile information, including email, mobile number, and password, using any device with internet access by logging into RosterElf through a browser.

7. What should I do if I don’t receive a confirmation message?
If you don’t receive a confirmation message after saving your updates, refresh the page and check if the changes were applied. If the issue persists, contact RosterElf Support.

8. How often should I update my personal information?
It’s recommended to update your personal information whenever there’s a change or periodically to ensure account security and effective communication with RosterElf.

9. Can I update my email or mobile number without changing my password?
Yes, you can update your email or mobile number independently. Navigate to My Profile, make the desired changes, and click Save to update your information without altering your password.

10. What should I do if I forget my password after updating it?
If you forget your password after updating it, use the password reset option on the login page to securely create a new one.

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