This article is designed for: User Type: Admins Access: Web Browser


An Overview of Permissions
A Breakdown of the Different Permission Levels
Managing Staff Permissions
 - Managing Manager or Assistant permissions from the Sites Tab
 - Managing Admin permissions from the Settings dropdown
 - Managing All Permissions from the Staff tab

An Overview of Permissions

When you add a user to RosterElf, they start as a regular Staff member with basic permissions to view their shifts and notifications and update availability and personal information such as email and mobile number. You can edit their permissions based on their role within the organisation. 

It is worth noting that Admins are a permission level at the account level, and Managers and Assistants are a permission level at the Site level. This means if you are an Admin, you are an Admin across the entire account. If you give someone Manager or Assistant permissions, they could be a Manager or Assistant at one Site, many Sites or all Sites, as you choose, which means for all the Sites, they aren't a Manager or Assistant; they are a regular staff member. 

It's also important to understand that staff can only have one permission level outside the standard staff permissions. So if you are a Manager at one Site, you can't also be an Assistant at another account or an account Admin.

So, in summary:

  • New staff have basic Staff permissions
  • There are three elevated permission levels
  • Managers and Assistants permissions can be explicitly granted to the Sites you choose
  • Admin permissions are given across the entire account
  • Staff can only have one elevated permission level

A Breakdown of the Different Permission Levels

tick.pngFull Accessmceclip2.pngOnly on Sites the user is assigned as a manager/assistant manager


Functionality Admin Manager Assistant Manager Staff
Trends Data tick.png - - -
Pending Shifts tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -

Leave Requests

tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -


tick.png tick.png tick.png -

Live Time Clock

tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -



View Confirm Shifts

tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Nominate for Open Shifts tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Request and Nominate for Shift Swaps tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Manage My Availability tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Request Leave tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Add/Delete tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Update Info tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Update Payroll tick.png - - -
Update and view Standard Availability tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Add and manage Leave  tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
View and Manage Documents tick.png - - -
Call Staff from Smartphone App tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Text Staff from Smartphone App tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Add/Delete tick.png mceclip2.png - -
Update Info tick.png mceclip2.png - -
Update Manager / Assistant Permissions tick.png - - -
View Manager / Assistant Permissions tick.png mceclip2.png - -
Manage Time & Attendance tick.png mceclip2.png - -
Add/Delete tick.png tick.png - -
Update Info tick.png tick.png - -
Add/Remove Staff tick.png tick.png - -
Add/Edit Shifts tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Publish/Delete Rosters tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Save Roster Templates tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Copy Rosters tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Upload a Roster Template tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
See Staff Wage Rates for Budgeting tick.png mceclip2.png - -
Select approved payroll hours (Rostered, Time Clock, Auto Rounding, Custom) tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Tick/Untick Shifts from Payroll tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Add Payroll Notes tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Add Shifts to Payroll tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Save Payroll tick.png mceclip2.png mceclip2.png -
Process Payroll tick.png - - -
View Staff Labour Costs tick.png mceclip2.png - -
View and Use tick.png - - -
View and Update tick.png - - -
My Profile - View my own tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png
Account Info tick.png - - -
MFA (NOTE: Xero customers must use MFA) tick.png tick.png tick.png tick.png


Managing Staff Permissions

There are three areas you can assign permissions which all have their benefits.

Managing Manager or Assistant permissions from the Sites Tab is excellent if you have to give several staff these permission levels or you want to review who has permissions for a specific site, as you can do it in one go.

Managing Admin permissions from the Settings dropdown is best if you want to assign a bunch of staff to Admin or review who has Admin access, as you can do it in one go.

Managing All Permissions from the Staff tab is best when you want to review permissions for each staff member across your account. It's also the best way to troubleshoot why a staff member isn't showing in the other permission areas on the platform.

NOTE: Staff can only have one level of permission. E.g. Staff with assistant permissions won't show in the manager or admin permission modals.

Managing Manager or Assistant permissions from the Sites Tab

If you want to review who is a Manager or Assistant at a specific site, this method is the best way. 

This gives you more granular control of what they can view and update. The critical difference between the two roles is Managers can see financial data about staff wages when rostering, and Assistant Managers can't.

To learn how to add and remove managers, click here.

Managing Admin permissions from the Settings dropdown

Admins have full access across the entire account. 

1. Click Settings and select Permissions.

2. To add a user, press the Plus (+) button, select the user and Save.

3. To remove a user's Admin permissions, hover over the staff member and click the X.

Managing All Permissions from the Staff tab

You can use the Staff tab to view the permissions across all your staff in your account.

1. Go to the Staff tab.

2. Use the Permission Level filter to review which staff have a specific permission level.

3. Select a Staff and head to their Permission tab.

4. From here, you can select the permission level you want to give them. If you assign Manager or Assistant, you must choose which Sites they will have Manager or Assistant permissions.

5. Click Save.



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