Requesting leave from a browser

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Requesting and Managing Leave in RosterElf

When you request leave in RosterElf, your manager receives an email and smartphone notification. Once the manager responds, RosterElf will notify you of the outcome through the same channels. This guide explains how to request leave, manage pending and approved leave, and access archived leave requests in RosterElf. By following these steps, you’ll be able to handle your leave requests efficiently and view their status at any time.

1. Requesting Leave in RosterElf

When you need to request leave, RosterElf allows you to submit dates and reasons for the request through the My Calendar tab. This section guides you through submitting a leave request, which is then sent to a manager for approval.

1.1 Submitting a Leave Request

1.1.1. Click on the My Calendar tab.

- Note: Employees only have access to the My Calendar tab, so you can skip this step if applicable.

1.1.2. Click Request Leave on the right-hand side of the screen.

1.1.3. Enter the leave dates and reason for your request.

1.1.4. Click Save.

1.1.5. RosterElf will send the leave request to a manager for review and approval.

2. Managing and Deleting Leave Requests

RosterElf provides two ways to view and manage your leave requests. You can find pending and approved leave on the calendar or use the Request Leave modal to view all leave requests, including denied ones.

2.1 Managing Leave Requests from the Calendar

2.1.1. Go to the My Calendar tab.

2.1.2. Find the date of the leave request and click on it.

2.1.3. If the leave request status is Pending or Approved and is for a future date, click Delete Leave to remove the request.

2.2 Managing Leave Requests from the Request Leave Modal

The Request Leave modal allows you to submit and manage all of your leave requests, including pending, approved, and archived requests.

2.2.1. Click on the Request Leave button on My Calendar. Pending: Shows requests awaiting manager approval. To delete, press the X and confirm. Approved: Displays approved leave requests scheduled in the future. To delete, press the X and confirm. Archived: Contains all past requests, including approved, denied, and unaddressed requests past the leave date. Note: You cannot delete archived requests.

FAQs on Requesting and Managing Leave in RosterElf

1. How do I request leave in RosterElf?

To request leave, go to the My Calendar tab, click on Request Leave, enter the leave dates and reason, then click Save. Your manager will receive the request for approval.

2. Can I delete a leave request in RosterElf?

Yes, you can delete a pending or approved leave request if it is for a future date. Go to the My Calendar tab, find the leave date, click on it, and select Delete Leave.

3. How does RosterElf notify me of my leave request status?

RosterElf notifies you via email and smartphone once your manager responds to your leave request. You'll receive a notification for approval, denial, or if action is required.

4. Where can I view all my past leave requests in RosterElf?

You can view past leave requests, including approved, denied, and unaddressed requests, in the Archived section of the Request Leave modal.

5. Can I delete archived leave requests in RosterElf?

No, archived leave requests in RosterElf cannot be deleted. The Archived section stores all past leave requests for record-keeping.

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