This article is designed for: User Type: All Users - Employees, Admins or Managers Device: Tablet

You can clock in and out for breaks on shift using RosterElf's Time Clock.

NOTE: You must have clocked in for a shift before recording a break.

1. Find your name and shift from the list and click on it. 

Time Clock Dashboard 3.PNG


2. Click Start Break from the list of options.

Time Clock Start Break.PNG


3. Enter your RosterElf password.

Time Clock Start Break Password.PNG


4. If set up, you may require to take a selfie on the tablet.

Time Clock Photo Proof.PNG


5. You will see a confirmation window after recording a break. You will also see an orange "Break" banner on your name when the screen returns to the main view.

Time Clock Break.png


6. To record yourself as back from break, follow the same steps and select to clock back in from break.

Time Clock End Break.PNG



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